It's Part 1 of a special 4-part series on Jonestown, Jim Jones, and Rep's Jackie Speier and Leo Ryan. KEDRO AND JOHAN ARE BACK! In this episode - Jackie Speier's roots and family in SF, where some of her activism theories were first learned, Leo Ryan goes undercover at Folsom Prison and gets a toothpaste and toilet paper chess set...
the Peace and Resist Library
remember to be good to yourself

With friend of the show RICK ROSNER. A mixed bag of good times.
33: Side Hustles - Root Racism
With friend of the show RICK ROSNER. A mixed bag of good times.
32: Chuck Zukowski - Reptilian Home Movies
Discovery and debunking - the strange world and history of American UFOlogy is explored as we cover UFO Investigator Chuck Zukowski. How does belief and conspiracy consume a person? In this case, it's a man's wonderful journey deeper into his obsession across the backdrop of a gruesome crime scene spanning much of the nation. The Roswell Crash...
31: Side Hustles - Atavism in Wonderland
With friend of the show RICK ROSNER. A mixed bag of good times.
30: Side Hustles - Hallucinogenic Honey
From Blue Arcs Media / your unconventional hub for Democrats and Blue voters. Thanks for listening, be good to yourself.
From Blue Arcs Media / your unconventional hub for Democrats and Blue voters. Thanks for listening, be good to yourself.
With friend of the show RICK ROSNER. A mixed bag of good times.
REVOLUTIONARIES #1 - covering LYDIA DARRAGH and CRISPUS ATTUCKS. A relax-mode episode with friend of the show and "history whiz" Johan! Spies, invasions, moving a city, we break down a murder from over 200 years ago - that of the first person to die during the Revolutionary War - which occurs before the War really starts (depending on who you...
26: Side Hustles - When Wolves Became Dogs
With friend of the show RICK ROSNER. A mixed bag of good times.
Part 6, the conclusion of John Lewis and the Voting Rights Movement!
It's time for Part 5 of our series on John Lewis and the Voting Rights Movement. After the March on Washington in 1963, the infamous Birmingham Church bombing occurs, killing four young girls. The overall response from the local Black community is powerful in the duality of it: the forgiving love and the call to action. Protests bloom and jails...
Part 4 of John Lewis and the Voting Rights Movement! The Freedom Ride continues in Alabama - with a cinematic ambush, and not cinematic in a good way - and John does time at Parchman Farm, a notorious Mississippi prison to this day. Medgar Evers, Fred Shuttlesworth, and A. Philip Randolph are discussed in this episode. The Big 6, including...
In Part 3 of John Lewis and the Voting Rights Movement - John Lewis and James Bevel are almost fatally poisoned during a sit-in. Then John Lewis joins The Freedom Riders of 1961 and just misses another potentially deadly experience. A celebratory dinner with MLK and "sanctioned wildings" take place against Freedom Riders. As the title suggests,...