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14 organizations focused on Rural communities.
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Rural Coalition From their website:
"Founded in 1978, Rural Coalition is an alliance of farmers, farm workers, indigenous, migrant, and working people from the United States, Mexico, Canada, and beyond, working together toward a new society that values unity, hope, people, and the land."
Learn more here: RuralCo.org
Rural Community Assistance Corporation From their website:
"Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that operates in 13 western states and Pacific islands. We serve Indigenous and rural communities through training, technical and financial assistance and advocacy."
"We are a diverse group of more than 180 passionate professionals who serve Indigenous and rural communities, bringing our unique thinking, backgrounds, experiences and culture to the organization and our work. RCAC fosters an inclusive, collaborative workplace environment where our colleagues and partners are valued and treated with respect so that the organization and people we serve can excel."
Learn more here: RCAC.org
Rural Democracy Initiative From their website:
"Rural Democracy Initiative (RDI) supports rural people working to transform their lives and communities in service of shared prosperity and democracy. We invest in permanent civic engagement, issue advocacy, community organizing infrastructure, and sustainable urban-rural coalitions. In addition to grantmaking, RDI also supports rural leaders and organizations through convening, research, and communications."
Learn more here: RuralDemocracyInitiative.org
Rural Organizing From their website:
"In small towns and rural communities across the country, authentic relationships are the foundation for community change. Tip O'Neill famously said, "All politics is local," but we've found that rural politics are also personal. We believe that communities, causes, and candidates must leverage these relationships in order to organize and mobilize rural communities toward enduring and sustainable change. With smart communications and strategic distributive organizing, we will empower rural progressives and develop, pass, and implement policy platforms needed to rebuild small towns across America."
Learn more here: RuralOrganizing.org
Rural Organizing Project From their website:
"Rural Organizing Project is a state-wide organization that supports a multi-issue, rural-centered, grassroots base in Oregon. We work to build and support a shared standard of human dignity: the belief in the equal worth of all communities, the need for equal access to justice and the right to self-determination."
"Our mission is to strengthen the skills, resources, and vision of primary leadership in local autonomous human dignity groups with a goal of keeping such groups a vibrant source for a just democracy."
Learn more here: ROP.org
United Rural Democrats From their website:
"United Rural Democrats was founded in September 2020 to provide rural Democrats with the support they need to organize effectively. Strong candidates in traditionally "red" parts of our country had not been getting the resources they needed to compete.
United Rural Democrats (URD) is focused on rebuilding Democratic investment in rural political infrastructure. A lot of our rural neighbors are open to the ideas of the Democratic party, but are disengaged by classic party messaging. We seek to combat this, ending rural isolation and building community trust. We continue to work with campaigns and candidates all across the nation in our fight to cut rural America in on the deal."
Learn more here: UnitedRuralDemocrats.org
These listings are not necessarily endorsements from Voting Info HQ. It's about inclusivity. This is primarily an effort to have menu items for all Democrats and Blue voters.