All are welcome.
Stay engaged, your voice matters.
*You'll see more changes while the HQ rebuild continues.
a whole lot of changes to the HQ lately, holy smokes.
About 80% done with slated updates, then every page will be QC'ed again.
An end-of-year, super-simplified status report for all of the appreciated visitors like you:
The 118th Congress / Civic Square rebuilds are nearly done.
New pages are going up in the new Elections Center +, too.
Dems Hub saw a total overhaul; there are 300+ org's listed (and counting).
Even made a new HQ logo (see above, below, or all over the place).
The site layout and color scheme's been heavily upgraded, too.
Some of many recent updates; there's a wealth of ideas yet to be implemented.
Support this venture to help with upkeep / accelerate development.
Stay well and have an excellent holiday season. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
- Kedro
🚨 new pages alert >>>
housed in Elections Center+
more on the way
>> info bank: elections, candidates, +
>> content, resources for every State
>> strategy & action / kind of the HQ's central node