Voting Rights are a democracy's sun.

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Enjoy the content - I'll keep producing best I can - and vote Blue. Your visit and support's truly appreciated. Your donation will help me to reach more voters. - Kedro/Kevin, either works for me.

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*Due to the volume of work required to maintain this website, I will do my best to reply to each email sent - particularly those related to Voting Info HQ directly.


What the why, who and when because what again? Exactly.

Who operates this site?

Heyo, I go by Kedro - or Kevin, depending on who's addressing me - and I'm a longtime independent voter who joined the Democratic party in 2020. While I've always voted Blue, the 2016 election demonstrated that this would be an All Hands on Deck situation for the foreseeable future.

This is based out of Los Angeles; I originally planned to do an LA-focused voting info platform. After quickly realizing that the HQ's impact could be much larger, I started with mapping national elections - and decided to drill down over time.

Always building.

I've helped to build knowledge bases for a few companies from the entry-level and realized those skills can be applied towards a long-time goal of running my own political organization of some sort. Work experience includes being in Tech Support, Leadership, Training, and other roles. And after several years of editing this site until I fall asleep, the HQ truly has its own pulse.

As an independent voter, I'd always help/encourage folks to vote, participated in many protests, and co-founded a poli-sci club at a local college several years back - for some examples of my lifelong politics obsession. We're in strange times so it was time to register with the Democrats already.

Voting Info HQ is solely owned and operated by me, Kedro.

The entirety of this project is unquestionably my happy place. Whether it's covering Jonestown or John Lewis in-depth for the podcast or spending the dozens of hours needed to update and QC the 118th Democrats of Congress pages, it's all a labor of love.

What's the overall mindset of Voting Info HQ?

Voting Info HQ sees Democrats as being on the right side of history in these weird times.  

As Hunter Thompson said, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." And as Shirley Chisholm said, "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." 

It's that mindset, that grassroots effort of organizers, doorknockers, phone-bankers, people talking to their family and friends and ensuring those around them have a plan to vote, those who are called to action in support of our beautifully wild superlative of all democracies - the People doing the work will help Democrats to win big. Republicans' Project 2025 is simply too extreme.

The general approach with elections is that this organization will support all Democratic Primary winners. And Democrats need to deliver a landslide win across the map. Republicans continue to offer mountains of evidence that demonstrate their unfitness to hold political office - ideas and actions that are diametrically opposed to the core of our pluralistic, optimistic, dynamic American experiment.

How did this all start?

I joined Twitter during the beginning of the COVID pandemic, around the Spring of 2020. One of my very first Twitter friends was Rick Rosner ( @dumbassgenius on Twitter ), who helped me to hash out an idea to make a Twitter page about voting information. A smart, fun voting page - in some ways a steep hill to climb with that premise alone.

The Twitter account grew rapidly over a few months of posting and making connections to many great Resisters who were gracious with their time by highlighting many Democrat accounts. Quickly, I recognized that this service and info-feed was not entirely unique but entirely relevant and helpful - by highlighting candidates, making complex topics bite-size - and doing it in my own style. The metrics were initially stunning for this start-up op that operates on no budget whatsoever.

As certain follower milestones were hit on the Twitter account, new wings were added to the Twitter page each time. Making art graphics, starting a podcast, yadda yadda, and ultimately starting a website.

And here we are, and here we go. 

Glad to have you alongside me on this bizarre, rewarding ride.

What's the vision for Voting Info HQ?

The overarching goal is to make this a full-time organization and to scale. This was originally intended to be the ultimate Democratic Party info aggregator - and now that is just one wing of the HQ as content creation has naturally become a thing, too.

Dems Database, Dems Hub, and Civic Square are 3 core departments of the HQ now that have the ability to become their own entities in time.

The Peace and Resist Podcast is a labor of love with an understanding of how oversaturated the podcast market has been, but also a desire to provide a unique storytelling / current events arm of the HQ.

There is plenty more in the works. For now, the HQ's laser-focused on supporting Biden-Harris and Democrats down-ballot heading towards the November 5th General Election.


Thank you for visiting, keep on resisting.

Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Warren Buffett

Dems Database [National Elections, Politics, Culture]

Civic Square [Local Elections, Politics, Culture]

Dems Hub [Research and Advocacy / Activism]

Stay engaged.