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: P O L I T I C A L  A C T I V I S M :

5 Calls From their website & Twitter page:

"5 Calls does the research for each issue, determining which representatives are most influential for which topic, collecting phone numbers for those offices... Issues, scripts and your representatives all in one place. Spend 5 minutes, make 5 calls."

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Action North Carolina From their website:

"Founded in 2010, Action NC's mission is to increase racial, gender, and economic equity through popular educations, grassroots organization, mass mobilization, and greater voter participation.

We work in lower-wealth communities, and with lower and working-income families, to build political power and make a difference on issues where more justice and equality is needed: Healthcare access. Affordable housing and tenant rights. Immigrant rights. Criminal justice reform and police accountability. Voting rights. Education equity. Retirement security. Workers' rights. And more."

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Activate America From their website:

"During the 2022 midterm election cycle, Activate America volunteers made nearly 10 million voter contacts at a cost of only 10 cents per contact, a bargain for democracy!." "We texted voters with critical reminders on when and how to vote, as well as links to important voter resources." "We ran one of the most successful and far-reaching postcard programs in the country." "We offered weekly Zoom phonebanks, a platform for smaller grassroots groups, and toolkits + training to call on your own schedule."

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Alliance For Justice From their website:

"Alliance for Justice is at the heart of showing the progressive movement the power the courts have in all our lives. Our more than 150 organizations represent a broad array of groups committed to progressive values. Since 1979, AFJ has been the leader in advocating for a fair and independent justice system, and we have changed the conversation around the critical importance of our courts. We are shaping a tomorrow where rights are safeguarded, and justice prevails."

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Americans United From their website:

"Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a nonpartisan educational and advocacy organization dedicated to advancing the separation of religion and government as the only way to ensure freedom of religion, including the right to believe or not believe, for all."

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Battle Born Progress From their website:

"Battle Born Progress uses strategic communication efforts to empower, engage and mobilize Nevada voters to build a state where everyone has a fair opportunity to succeed."

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Bluebonnet Data From their website: 

"Bluebonnet Data places volunteer political data & tech teams with local campaigns & progressive organizations around the country. In addition to many down-ballot candidate campaigns, we support nonprofits, state parties & causes, unions, PACs, and other progressive organizations. Our next cohort launches in March 2024."

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Center for American Progress From their website: 

"The Center for American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country.

As progressives, we believe America should be a land of boundless opportunity, where people can climb the ladder of economic mobility. We believe we owe it to future generations to protect the planet and promote peace and shared global prosperity. And we believe an effective government can earn the trust of the American people, champion the common good over narrow self-interest, and harness the strength of our diversity."

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Common Cause From their website: 

"We side with no one but the people. Working together, we are building a democracy that works for all of us. Every aspect of our elections and representative self-government must be fair, open, accessible, and set-up so we all have faith in the integrity of election outcomes and the people we elect to serve us."

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DemCast USA From the DemCast Handbook:

"Our mission: To cultivate, amplify, and maximize the impact of grassroots digital media and activists, bolstering blue electoral and policy victories at all levels of government, across America."

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Democracy Forward From their website:

"We believe democracy is worth the fight. Democracy Forward uses the law to build collective power and advance a bold, vibrant democracy for all people."

"Democracy Forward provides legal representation and expert counsel to people and communities who make up the very fabric of American democracy — free of charge. Our strategic pillars incorporate immediate defensive needs and a longer-term, proactive view in this fight for our democracy, our present, and our future. We leverage creativity, legal excellence, and our team's unique mix of expertise and diverse experience in service of an unyielding determination to make our future better than our past."

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Democracy Labs From their website:

"Democracy Labs is a hub for ongoing technology and creative innovation that serves campaigns and organizations at the national, state, and local levels.

Our focus is on long term, sustainable and affordable solutions. An approach that is longer than an election cycle, and isn't purely dependent on volunteers, can enable more qualified candidates to run for office and for more issue groups to bring about positive social change."

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DigiDems From their website:

"The races that make majorities are won or lost by increasingly small margins, and tech can make the difference. DigiDems provides funding, expertise, and essential tech resources to keep Democrats competitive in the nation's toughest races.."

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E Pluribus Unum Fund From their website:

"Our founding national motto translates to 'out of many, one.' It is a statement about our diversity, our connectedness, and our interdependence. Although our nation continues to make progress on race, we have also allowed ourselves to be divided by anger, hate, and fear. That has come at a deep cost for all of us.

We cannot break down the barriers of race and class as a divided nation. We can only fulfill America's promise of justice and opportunity if we are united. This work begins in the South, where we have seen the darkest side of America's history.

E Pluribus Unum was formed in 2018 with the premise that we must confront the issue of race head-on if we are to move forward. EPU's mission is to build a more just, equitable, and inclusive South, uprooting barriers that have long divided the region by race and class. We believe our cities and towns will only thrive if they find a way to unite around a common purpose."

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Field Team 6 From their website:

"We meet people where they are – digitally in all of the ways, and where we started it all – in-person voter drives! Our mind-blowing 2022 RCT proves our effectiveness and helps hone our efficiency to turn every donor dollar and volunteer hour into more registrations.

Armed with, the only custom-built app just for registering Democrats, we track down every good-hearted eligible voter we can, and get them on the voter rolls where they belong. And sign them up to vote from home!"

"We've helped register almost 2.9 million Democratic voters, the vast majority in swing states... and now we need to do it again. Sign up for an event today, and help save the world!"

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Indivisible From their website:

"A practical guide to resist the Trump agenda, Indivisible is a movement of thousands of group leaders & more than a million members taking regular, iterative, & increasingly complex actions to resist the GOP's agenda, elect local champions, & fight for progressive policies."

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The John and Lillian Miles Lewis Foundation From their website:

"Before his passing in 2020, Congressman Lewis created the John and Lillian Miles Lewis Foundation to carry on his and his wife's passion for purposeful living. John and Lillian consistently demonstrated their love of learning and their unwavering devotion to teaching others. They were steadfastly committed to peace, to strengthening democracy through civic engagement, to fairness and justice, to amplifying the voices of rising generations, and to building the "beloved community." They believed in the power and importance of dialogue and collaboration, and they had unwavering confidence in the capacity of individuals to reimagine and build a better society."

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Mobilize From their website:

"Mobilize is your go-to destination for people-powered movements. We provide nonprofits, labor unions, political campaigns, and grassroots organizers the tech needed to create a more just, inclusive, and democratic world."

"In the wake of the 2016 elections, our founders noticed how eager progressive activists everywhere were to revolutionize the way we organize. We decided to channel this unique energy and transform online audiences into real-life, people-powered movements."

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Moms Rising From their website:

"First, a handful of women came together, and then that handful became hundreds, the hundreds became thousands, and through friends telling friends, MomsRising is now more than a million members strong and growing!"

"MomsRising combines the best of American innovation and ingenuity. We are a transformative on-the-ground and online multicultural organization of more than a million members and over a hundred aligned organizations working to increase family economic security, to end discrimination against women and mothers, and to build a nation where both businesses and families can thrive."

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Move On From their website:

"MoveOn is where millions mobilize for a better society—one where everyone can thrive.

Whether it's supporting a candidate, passing legislation, or changing our culture, MoveOn members are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. We envision a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it."

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New Democrat Coalition (NDC) From their website:

"Founded in 1997, the center-left New Democrat Coalition is made up of nearly 100 pragmatic House Democrats who work across the aisle and across the Capitol to advance innovative, inclusive, and forward-looking policies. Representing almost half the Democratic Caucus, New Dems are united behind a mission to build an economy that works for every American.

New Dems work to bridge the partisan divide with a solutions-oriented approach to politics. The Coalition's primary goal is to find workable solutions to the most pressing issues facing our nation—from ensuring every American has access to quality health care to increasing affordable housing in every community. New Dems have shown time and again how lawmakers can make real progress in Congress. And real progress is what's truly progressive. That's why New Dems are the 'Can Do Caucus.'"

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Obama Foundation From their website:

"Our mission at the Obama Foundation is to help people turn hope into action—to inspire, empower, and connect them to change their world.

Day in and day out, we're supporting and connecting values-based changemakers around the globe, by working to create a world where girls have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams through access to education, and by fostering safe and supportive communities where young men of color have clear pathways to opportunity."

"The words wrapped around the [Obama Presidential Center] building reflect President Obama's remarks on the Edmund Pettus bridge to mark the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches. "Oh, what a glorious task we are given, to continually try to improve this great nation of ours."

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Onward Together From their website:

"Onward Together is committed to lifting up emerging organizations and leaders who are fighting for our shared progressive values and defending our democracy. We support groups that are mobilizing voters, defending voting rights, and recruiting candidates for office to help safeguard our democracy for generations to come."

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Postcards to Voters From their website:

"Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. What started on March 11, 2017 with sharing 5 addresses apiece to 5 volunteers on Facebook so that they could mail postcards to voters in Jon Ossoff's race grew in one month to 1,200+ volunteers nationwide and over 51,000 postcards mailed. Now, we consist of over 75,000+ volunteers in every state (including Alaska and Hawaii) who have written close to 8 million postcards to voters in over 200 key, close elections."

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Public Citizen From their website:

"A nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that champions the public interest in the halls of power. We defend democracy, resist corporate power & work to ensure that government works for the people - not for big corporations...We now have 500K members & supporters."

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Rainbow Push Coalition From their website:

"RPC was formed in December 1996 by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. through the merging of two organizations he founded earlier, People United to Serve Humanity (PUSH, 1971) and the Rainbow Coalition (1984)..."

"...we work to make the American Dream a reality for all our citizens and advocate for peace and justice around the world. We are dedicated to improving the lives of all people by serving as a voice for the voiceless. ."

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Resistbot From their website:

"Hi, I'm Resistbot! I'm the fastest and easiest way to contact your representatives, all you have to do is send me a text."

This is a GREAT tool for easy activism.

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Stand Up America From their website:

"Began in the weeks after the 2016 election, when hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans came together online to organize & resist Trump's dangerous agenda. Our community has quickly grown to over two million Americans... who are taking action daily."

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Tides Advocacy From their website:

"Tides Advocacy identifies, connects, and fuels movements for social justice and the health of our democracy. Founded in 1997, we leverage our extensive network and design solutions to make advocacy accessible to social change innovators in all sectors.

We help with strategy development, legal guidance, and the infrastructure to quickly establish, scale, and run high-impact advocacy initiatives and funds.

With a network of over 90 fiscally sponsored 501(c)(4) projects and funds across the United States, we support advocates to strengthen community voice and achieve lasting policy change."

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Transformative Justice Coalition From their website:

"Our Mission: Systematic change that achieves racial justice, gender, economic and social justice and human right through public education and engagement initiatives that attend equally to hearts and minds as well as the social systems and structures in which they exist."

"Our Vision: A world in which every individual has an equal opportunity to fully participate in their governance."

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These listings are not necessarily endorsements from Voting Info HQ. It's about inclusivity. This is primarily an effort to have menu items for all Democrats and Blue voters.  

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