Explore these established AANHPI organizations.
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: A A N H P I O r g s :
Asian Americans Advancing Justice from their site:
"Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles (Advancing Justice - LA) is the nation's largest legal and civil rights organization for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (NHPI).
Founded in 1983 as the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, Advancing Justice - LA serves more than 15,000 individuals and organizations every year. Through direct services, impact litigation, policy advocacy, leadership development, and capacity building, Advancing Justice - LA focuses on the most vulnerable members of Asian American and NHPI communities while also building a strong voice for civil rights and social justice."
Learn more here: AdvancingJustice-AAJC.org
AAPI Data from their site:
"AAPI Data is a nationally recognized publisher of demographic data and policy research on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, with hundreds of news mentions in national and local outlets. Our reputation is built on data and research that is accurate, compelling, and timely. In addition to our news impact, community organizations, government agencies, and decisionmakers regularly reach out to us, to better understand key aspects of AAPI communities."
Learn more here: AAPIData.com
AAPI Victory Alliance from their site:
"AAPI Progressive Action was founded in 2017 by leading progressive voices in the AAPI community, including former commissioners of President Obama's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders."
Learn more here: AAPIVictoryAlliance.com
AAPI Victory Fund from their site:
"The AAPI Victory Fund - the first Super PAC of its kind - is focused on mobilizing Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) eligible voters and moving them to the ballot box. The AAPI community is joined through our values of hard work, family, and our history as immigrants. With the AAPI eligible voters exceeding that of the margin of victory in numerous districts and states, we have an opportunity under a common agenda to bring AAPI voters into position to make or break outcomes for candidates across the country."
Learn more here: AAPIVictoryFund.com
AAPI Women Lead From their website:
"The #ImReady Movement begins with a series of conferences that will raise awareness around the experiences that AAPI women have with #MeToo, gender and racial discrimination. Our families and communities are experiencing issues of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, sex trafficking, human trafficking, and domestic worker abuse. It is time to act."
Learn more here: ImReadyMovement.org
APIAVote From their website:
"APIAVote is a national nonpartisan organization that works with partners to mobilize Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in electoral and civic participation. APIAVote envisions a world that is inclusive, fair, and collaborative, and where Asian Americans and Pacific Islander communities are self-determined, empowered, and engaged."
Learn more here: APIAVote.org
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus from their site:
"The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) is comprised of Members of Congress of Asian and Pacific Islander descent and members who have a strong dedication to promoting the well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community."
Learn more here: CAPAC-CHU.house.gov
Democrats Abroad AAPI Caucus from their site:
"The Democrats Abroad Global Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus (AAPI) advocates on issues important to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders both in the United States of America and living abroad.
The AAPI Caucus focuses on reaching out to AAPI voters living abroad, increasing engagement in civic and political life, and advocating for laws, policies, and programs that improve the lives of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
Learn more here: DemocratsAbroad.org/AAPI
Empowered Pacific Islander Communities from their site:
"EPIC is a national organization based in Los Angeles and was established in 2009 by a group of young Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) leaders who recognized the urgency to address the growing needs of NHPI families. With experiences ranging from grassroots organizing to higher education administration, these young leaders identified an immediate need to build a strong and unified advocacy voice for NHPIs; a need for data that serve as testament to the needs of NHPI families; and a need for a pipeline of strong leaders who can be advocates and influencers in, and on behalf of, the community."
Learn more here: EmpoweredPI.org
Indian American Impact from their site:
"Indian American Impact empowers South Asian and Indian American communities — some of the fastest growing voter populations — through community engagement, civic partnerships, candidate support, and data & research in order to encourage a pro-democracy government that uplifts all people."
"We believe broader participation from our communities will result in policies that ensure racial, economic, and immigrant justice for all. We want to make real a nation that ensures every American truly has the right to vote, and live in a country with equal opportunity, where immigrants are treated with dignity and respect."
Learn more here: IAimImpact.org
National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum from their site:
"NAPAWF is the only organization focused on building power with AAPI women and girls to influence critical decisions that affect our lives, our families and our communities. Using a reproductive justice framework, we elevate AAPI women and girls to impact policy and drive systemic change in the United States."
Learn more here: NAPAWF.org
National Council of Asian Pacific Americans from their site:
"The National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), founded in 1996, is a coalition of 37 national Asian Pacific American organizations around the country. Based in Washington D.C., NCAPA serves to represent the interests of the greater Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities and to provide a national voice for AA and NHPI issues."
Learn more here: NCAPAonline.org
South Asian Americans Leading Together from their site:
"South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) is a national, nonpartisan, non-profit organization that fights for racial justice and advocates for the civil rights of all South Asians in the United States. Our ultimate vision is dignity and full inclusion for all."
Learn more here: SAALT.org
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center from their site:
"SEARAC is a national civil rights organization that empowers Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese American communities to create a socially just and equitable society. As representatives of the largest refugee community ever resettled in the United States, SEARAC stands together with other refugee communities, communities of color, and social justice movements in pursuit of social equity."
Learn more here: SEARAC.org
Stop AAPI Hate from their Twitter:
"A national coalition addressing anti-Asian hate amid the COVID-19 pandemic." A collaboration of Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council (A3PCON), Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA), and SFSU Asian American Studies.
Learn more here: StopAAPIHate.org
The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) from their site:
"We want to close the vast AAPI economic and influence gap. Our board has made the largest philanthropic commitment in history focused specifically on AAPI communities—and this is just the beginning.
We serve the 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who strive to build on the promise of America and create a future that we—and the next generation—deserve. Every single one of us is part of the American story—and The Asian American Foundation is here to stand up for us all."
Learn more here: TAAF.org
These listings are not necessarily endorsements from Voting Info HQ. It's about inclusivity. This is primarily an effort to have menu items for all Democrats and Blue voters.