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American Indian College Fund from their site:
"The American Indian College Fund was founded in 1989. For over 31 years, the College Fund has been the nation's largest charity supporting Native student access to higher education. We provide scholarships, programming to improve Native American student access to higher education, and the support and tools for them to succeed once they are there."
Learn more here: CollegeFund.org
Adopt an Elder from their site:
"The Program got its start in the 1980's during the turbulent years of the Hopi-Navajo land dispute which ultimately resulted in 10,000 Navajo being relocated from their traditional homelands. During those times there were many Elders facing severe hardships and deprivations. When Linda Myers became aware of this desperate situation it was food more than anything else that these people needed for their survival. With the assistance of Grace Smith Yellowhammer, Linda began to help."
Learn more here: AnElder.org
Center for Native American Youth from their site:
"The Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) at the Aspen Institute is a national education and advocacy organization that works alongside Native youth-ages 24 and under-on reservations, in rural villages and urban spaces across the country to improve their health, safety, and overall well- being."
Learn more here: CNAY.org
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women from their site:
"To stop violence against Native women and children by advocating for social change in our communities. The CSVANW takes ownership and responsibility for the future of Native women and children by providing support, education, and advocacy using our strengths, power and unity to create violence-free communities."
"CSVANW is an award winning organization at the forefront to a dynamic approach to the tribal domestic and sexual violence fields that is demonstrating the most effective, creative and innovative ways to address and prevent the cycle of violence within tribal communities."
Learn more here: CSVANW.org
First Nations Development Institute from their site:
"Our mission is to strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities. We invest in and create innovative institutions and models that strengthen asset control and support economic development for American Indian people and their communities.
Learn more here: FirstNations.org
First Peoples Fund from their site:
"Founded in 1995, First Peoples Fund's mission is to honor and support the Collective Spirit® of First Peoples artists and culture bearers. Collective Spirit® is that which manifests a self-awareness and sense of responsibility to sustain the cultural fabric of a community. Collective Spirit® moves each of us to stand up and make a difference, to pass on ancestral knowledge and simply extend a hand of generosity. First Peoples Fund recognizes the power of art and culture to bring about positive change in Native communities, beginning with individual artists and their families."
Learn more here: FirstPeoplesFund.org
Four Directions Native Vote from their site:
"Four Directions: advancing equality at the ballot box across Indian Country. In Lakota culture, the Four Directions represent the way of life we Lakota maintain and the circle of life we individuals participate in to better ourselves and our communities. Times have changed since we went to war to fight for our way of life, our treaties, and our Tribal sovereignty. We now protect our communities and our rights by going to the polls to vote. Four Directions, Inc., believes voting is within our sacred circle when it comes to preserving our way of life. We are committed to full enfranchisement as a crucial way to navigate a stronger future for our Native communities."
Learn more here: FourDirectionsVote.com
Lakota Law Project from their site:
"We also work closely with tribal nations and nonprofit compatriots to amplify Indigenous voices, provide renewable solutions in place of fossil fuel consumption, protect the voting rights of Native people, and provide on-the-ground support when and where it is needed most. That includes working with organizers to advance LGTBQ2S rights in Indian Country and help with challenges around COVID-19.
LPLP aims to assist in the reclamation of Indigenous lands and to stop all threats to the Lakota culture. We understand that Native peoples possess inherent sovereignty and the right to autonomous rule and self-determination."
Learn more here: LakotaLaw.org
National Congress of American Indians from their site:
"Founded in 1944, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization serving the broad interests of tribal governments and communities. NCAI, a non-profit organization, advocates for a bright future for generations to come by taking the lead to gain consensus on a constructive and promising vision for Indian Country."
Learn more here: NCAI.org
National Council of Urban Indian Health from their site:
"NCUIH envisions a nation where comprehensive, culturally competent personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indians and Alaska Natives living in urban communities throughout the United States."
Learn more here: NCUIH.org
Native American Rights Fund from their site:
"Since 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) has provided legal assistance to Indian tribes, organizations, and individuals nationwide who might otherwise have gone without adequate representation. NARF has successfully asserted and defended the most important rights of Indians and tribes in hundreds of major cases, and has achieved significant results in such critical areas as tribal sovereignty, treaty rights, natural resource protection, and Indian education."
Learn more here: NARF.org
These listings are not necessarily endorsements from Voting Info HQ. It's about inclusivity. This is primarily an effort to have menu items for all Democrats and Blue voters.