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25 organizations focused on Women.
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AAPI Women Lead From their website:
"The #ImReady Movement begins with a series of conferences that will raise awareness around the experiences that AAPI women have with #MeToo, gender and racial discrimination. Our families and communities are experiencing issues of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, sex trafficking, human trafficking, and domestic worker abuse. It is time to act."
Learn more here: ImReadyMovement.org
Center for American Women and Politics From their website:
"The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is nationally recognized as the leading source of scholarly research and current data about women's political participation in the United States. Its mission is to promote greater knowledge and understanding about the role of women in American politics, enhance women's influence in public life, and expand the diversity of women in politics and government."
"CAWP's education and outreach programs translate research findings into action, addressing women's underrepresentation in political leadership with effective, intersectional, and imaginative programs serving a variety of audiences."
"CAWP is a member of the Institute for Women's Leadership (IWL), a consortium of eight Rutgers units conducting research, education and action around issues of women's leadership."
Learn more here: ImReadyMovement.org
Center for Reproductive Rights From their website:
"The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world. We envision a world...Where every woman is free to decide whether or when to have children and whether to get married; where access to quality reproductive health care is guaranteed; and where every woman can make these decisions free from coercion or discrimination."
Learn more here: ReproductiveRights.org
Democratic Women's Caucus From their site:
"The Democratic Women's Caucus is a powerful coalition that will make sure women's voices are heard in the halls of power.
Over and over again women have made clear the power of their voices and their votes: electing the first woman Vice President, a record number of women in Congress, and protecting reproductive rights in state and local elections across the country. The Democratic Women's Caucus won't let anyone forget that. With a historic 94 members, we are fighting for the rights and opportunities that all women deserve—no matter what state they live in."
Learn more here: DemocraticWomensCaucus.House.gov
Emily's List from their site:
"Founded in 1985, EMILY's has helped make history for over 30 years." "Seeking to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality, we have systematically defined a strategic approach to winning elections that drive progressive change."
Learn more here: EmilysList.org
Girls Who Code from their site:
"Girls Who Code is an organization that values diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential to our mission." "We acknowledge that historical and institutional barriers-particularly racial bias and discrimination-play a role in the widening gender gap in computer science and who has access to opportunities in these fields."
Learn more here: GirlsWhoCode.com
Her Bold Move from their site:
"Founded in early 2021, Her Bold Move is a progressive political action committee laser-focused on shattering the glass ceilings that still exist in American politics.
By providing critical support including financial aid, message amplification, paid media, mentorship, and more, we work to elect women to the remaining government seats that have yet to be filled by a woman."
Learn more here: HerBoldMove.org
These listings are not necessarily endorsements from Voting Info HQ. It's about inclusivity. This is primarily an effort to have menu items for all Democrats and Blue voters.