The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act and the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act.
Links for more details below.
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act
When year was this first enacted into law?
Who would be covered by UOCAVA?
From the DOJ:
"United States citizens covered by UOCAVA include:
- "members of the United States Uniformed Services and merchant marine;
- their family members; and
- United States citizens residing outside the United States."
Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act
What year was this first enacted into law?
How did the MOVE Act amend UOCAVA?
From the DOJ:
The MOVE Act "amended UOCAVA to establish new voter registration and absentee ballot procedures which states must follow in all federal elections.
Most of these new procedures were implemented by the November 2010 general election. As amended by the MOVE Act, UOCAVA now requires state officials to:
- provide UOCAVA voters with an option to request and receive voter registration and absentee ballot applications by electronic transmissions and establish electronic transmission options for delivery of blank absentee ballots to UOCAVA voters;
- transmit validly-requested absentee ballots to UOCAVA voters no later than 45 days before an election for a federal office, when the request has been received by that date, except where an undue hardship waiver is approved by the Department of Defense for that election;
- take steps to ensure that electronic transmission procedures protect the security of the balloting process and the privacy of the identity and personal data of UOCAVA voters using the procedures;
- expand the acceptance of the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot to all elections for federal office beginning December 31, 2010;
- accept otherwise valid voter registration applications, absentee ballot applications, voted ballots, or Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots without regard to state notarization requirements, or restrictions on paper type, or envelope type; and
- allow UOCAVA voters to track the receipt of their absentee ballots through a free access system."